Thursday, December 6, 2007

Where the blondes are

It's official: Scandinavia has a hella lot of blondes.

Happy Microwave Oven Day!

No idea why today when apparently the patent for the first microwave oven was filed on Oct. 6, 1945 but hey. So pop some microwave popcorn today. Just don't breathe too deeply.

Monday, December 3, 2007

More than meets the eye

You want one, don't you...

Are you a Or are you a

Geekishness galore :)

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Bitch, I'm going to cut you!

I periodically read Racked, the blog of NYC shopping, well, just because. I love this post from inside H&M when they introduced their Roberto Cavalli collection. The classic line? 'Bitch if you grab that, I'm going to fucking cut you." Excellent.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Dirty Blog

Dirty Jobs Knit A-Long

For all the hoteness of Mike Rowe....
It's Knittacular.

Pack up your emotional support goat and go home

So as I was mentioning to some people the other day, the NY Times (the source of many factoids in my life) did an article about the increase in the use of "emotional support animals" Whereas before, only guide dogs for the blind and disabled were allowed in public places such as restaurants and airplanes, now people had notes from their doctor saying that they just cannot eat at Per Se without their puggle or their miniature horse or their dolphin or whatever it is.

Now I have a lot of sympathy for both pet owners and for those who suffer from emotional and psychological problems. But if you can't go to the diner to get a cup of coffee without a goat by your side, I think you have to question the quality of the therapy you're receiving. And pity the poor airline personnel:

"Tami McLallen, a spokeswoman for American Airlines, said that although dogs are the most common service animals taken onto planes, the airline has had to accommodate monkeys, miniature horses, cats and even an emotional support duck. "Its owner dressed it up in clothes," she recalled."

I can't even imagine what goes through your mind when faced with a customer clutching a duck in what? a little suit? a pinafore? a little bonnet? I don't want to belittle the seriousness of people's issues but I think drawing the line at your emotional support goat is not asking too much.

And you thought size 19s were big

From the world of truly big ass knitting comes Christien Meindertma and her FLOCKS collection. Seriously, check this out:

She is truly knitting with broomsticks. And look what she made:

It's a giant cabled rug. And I want one. I want to make one and have people think I lost my mind. But wouldn't people trip on the cable? How embarrassing.
Imagine the shenanigans if it had bobbles.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

How Cute is this!!??

If you want to order the book, it's being published by Simon and Schuster on December 26th. You can click on the image to be driven to S&S's book page.

HOW adorable!!??

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

A Ruth-worthy comment

Said during a Toronto Maple Leaf's pre-game show and a discussion on fighting on the ice.

"One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter."

Ah, Canadians! They're pinko liberals even when they talk hockey :)

Why, yes, it IS almost 9pm and I'm in the office. Watching hockey games and blogging like I don't have a home to go to...

What the kid is made of

Our friend Michelle is having a bouncing baby boy in a few months and I'm thinking that this is an appropriate gift.

It's a knitted DNA model. Building block of life, new life, right? Couldn't be more appropriate. And what, are other people going to knit her DNA strands for the kid? Now I've just got to get something machine-washable so the baby DNA samples can be washed off the DNA model.

And FYI, if you are looking for unusual toys to knit (and don't want to pay $100+ for Jess Hutchinson's out of print book on eBay) Kimberly Chapman has a great array on her site.

Corn for the future vegetarian or corn syrup addict

Mushroom, continuing the vegetable theme

And Sputnik, which is a close runner up to DNA in the "Truly Geeky Baby Gift" contest.

I actually am Ruth Gottesman

And I enjoy having completely random thoughts. Like how cute is this:

The hell with cows and chickens. City kids see rats and squirrels and pigeons and the occasional dachsund. Although I have to say I've lived in the city my whole life and I've never seen a skunk. Of the animal variety.

I'm not Ruth Gottesmann either.

But she once sent me a link for this shawl and its haunted me ever since.

For those days when you want to hike up Cold Mountain and fling rutabegas off the top.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Let's Meet Ruth Gottesman!

I'm actually not Ruth Gottesman. However, I do have a link that, if Ruth Gottesman had found it first, she surely would have posted it. If you click on the image, you'll end up on the page explaining it.

Can't afford an iPhone? Knit one!